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Car Wash Business Plan Sample
Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan


We felt that the car wash business provides a number of unique and valuable marketing opportunities, including some opportunities for low cost marketing campaigns.

For instance, when we open a new car wash location, we strive to blanket the surrounding area with low cost high impact marketing materials, such as windshield flyers, brochures at local office buildings and major employers and coupons for new customers.

Part of the marketing campaign for our car wash business has also been the sale of gift certificates good at all of our locations.

The gift certificate business has helped our car wash business to expand its sales season into the typically slow winter months, as we are able to capture the attention of Christmas and holiday shoppers with our aggressive gift certificate marketing campaign.

We have also embarked on an aggressive marketing campaign using a combination of newspaper advertising and coupons, telephone directory ads and radio and television advertising.  

In order to get the biggest possible bang for our limited marketing dollars, we always embark on a post campaign survey to determine which methods of marketing are returning the biggest return on our investment.  

We have used past surveys to hone our marketing strategies, and we plan to continue this survey program to further refine and enhance our marketing and sales campaign.


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