Corporate Mission Statement

A Corporate Mission  Statement is a mission statement that is written for the purpose of helping a corporation develop their mission for the future of the corporation.

A Corporate Mission Statements usually for Corporation and a Personal Mission  Statement Is for your personal life.

A Mission Statement is the description of your business.
It is the present and future task that your business plan on accomplishing. In about a paragraph or more, up to one page. You should mention the reason your business is in existence.

A Corporate Mission Statementcan be written in the same manner as a Mission Statement for a non corporate business. The 8 key components are still relevant. You may or may not need to use all of them in your Corporate Mission Statement.

There are 8 key components that you can include in your Mission Statement. Note: you do not have to put them all in your Mission Statement. You can include only the ones that you feel are important to the mission of your business.

The Main Parts Of Your Business Plan

Your Business Plan should include;

Cover Sheet

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Mission Statement

Marketing Plan

Product Or Service


Information On Your Business

Financial Plan

The Main Parts Of Your Mission Statement

The Mission Statement is the forth part of your Business Plan. It is the heart of your business. It helps you keep pumping through until you have obtained your mission.

Your Mission Statement should include these components;


Product or Service

Geographic Domain


Concern For Survival

Company Philosophy

Self (Business) Concept

Public Image

Sample Personal / Corporate Mission Statement

This is aPersonal Mission Statementthat was written for a CEO of a large corporation. This is his Personal Mission Statement for the way he want his employees to work on a daily basis. This initially written as a personal Mission Statement, but I need you to look at it once again.Now look at it from a Corporate point a view. Now I am sure you can see now this Mission Statement can also be used as a Corporate Mission Statement as well.

Personal / Corporate Mission Statement 1

Provide support, coaching, encouragement, and recognition to plant personal in order for order for them to realize their full potential and to achieve a safe, clean, economically and reliably operated and maintained power plant.

Respect the people you work with.

Maintain a positive mental attitude.

Remember you are dealing with people.

Continue major emphasis on teamwork.

Be proactive and assume more ownership.

Personal / Corporate Mission Statement 2

To be the largest and most recognized flexible independent integrator for medium voltage electrical switchgear and walk in enclosures in the central district of the USA.

To view the Mission Statement Video ...

Download Our Mission Statement Samples E-book which should include these components;

Product or Service
Geographic Domain
Concern For Survival
Company Philosophy
Self (Business) Concept
Public Image

Mission Statement Program

We have created a new 8 Fold Mission Statement Program, it was developed to help you write your very own Mission Statement. Whether you plan to create one for business or you plan on creating one for your personal life. By the time you have completed this program, you will be able to create your own Mission Statement.

Our Mission Statement Program has 8 Folds or Steps that are organized so that you can get optimal training that is relevant to preparing your Mission Statement.

Mission Statement   Fold 1
 Mission Statement is the description of your business.
It is the present and future task that your business plan on accomplishing.

Write a Mission Statement  Fold 2
How do you Write a 
Mission Statement?  We will help you understand why you need to write a mission statement and how it can help your business succeed in this ever changing environment.

Sample Mission Statement  Fold 3
What is a Sample 
Mission Statement? And why is it so important to the success of your business?

Mission Statement Writing   Fold 4
Mission Statement Writing is the best way to learn about the vision of your businesses future plans? And what are the steps to get it written.

Mission Statement Example   Fold 5
Our Mission Statement Example will show you how to write a Mission Statement? And why it's so important to the success of your business?

Personal Mission Statement Fold 6
A Personal Mission Statement is a Mission Statement that is written for the purpose of helping you to develop your individual future goals or mission.

Corporate Mission Statement   Fold 7
A Corporate Mission Statement is a Mission Statement that is written for the purpose of helping a corporation develop their mission for the future of the company.

Company Mission Statement    Fold 8
Company Mission Statement is what helps to keep your company moving and thinking about it's future plans.

So What Are The Steps To Get Started Writing Your Business Plan?

We have put together a three fold process to help you get your business plan written in an expedient amount of time.

The first fold of the process is to work on and complete the Business Plan Work Shop. This is a printable worksheet that will ensure that you keep notes and write your plan correctly.

The second fold of the process is to review the  Sample Business Plan. This plan will help you write your Business Plan in the correct manner.

The third fold of the process is to review the Business Plan Checklist; it will make sure you have not forgotten anything that should be included in your business plan.

After you have completed the Three Fold Business Plan Process, you will be ready to write your business plan to help you succeed in business in today's ever changing tough business environment.

Writing A Business Plan 
Writing a business plan is one of the most important aspects of starting a business in today's every changing environment. Why is writing a business plan so important? 

Small Business Plan Sample
This Sample Business Plan will help you write your business plan in the correct manner. You will get to see what a business plan really looks like. And also see how it can help you.

Business Plan Checklist 
Business Plan Checklist will make sure you have not forgotten anything that should be included in your business plan. 

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