Can An Operational Plan Be 
Useful For Your Business?

The Operational Plan (OP) is the way your business is run daily. One of the best explanations I have ever heard of that explains this concept is a book called “The E Myth”. The book breaks down how and why you need an operational plan for your business.

Okay so what is this thing called the Operational Plan?

And exactly why is it so important to the success of your business and can your business succeed without one?

So what are the general items you want to include in your business Operational Plan?

You want to include sections about;




Law Services



Customer Service

Marketing (OP)

One of the first things you want to do when you are planning or have already started your business is to market it. If no one knows your business exists, how do you think it will survive?

There are several ways to market your business and some of them are direct mail, classified ads, fliers, internet marketing, text ads, a website just to mention a few.

Using some of these methods is called advertising. And learning as much as you can about advertising your business is surely a good idea.

You will need to come up with a plan to market your business. Every business is different so you may need to try different things until you come up with a marketing plan that will work for your business.

Inventory (OP)

Whether you have a product business, where you are selling something or a manufacturing business, where you are creating a product if your business is a total service business, you will need to ensure when the customers are calling for your product or service it will be available for them to buy it.

You will need to ensure that you have all of the supplies to produce your product if you are a manufacture. This may include all of the raw materials you need to produce it and so on.

If your business is one where you are selling a product or service you will need to ensure that you have enough inventories to cover your business daily activities.

Accounting (OP)

You want to keep track of your business financial responsibilities. Learn all that you can about accounting for your business. I am an advocate to use an account or an accounting professional to help you with this aspect of your business.

Law Services (OP)

Just as what was mentioned in the Accounting (OP), learn all that you can about the laws, but it is always a good idea to use a professional when dealing with any of this type of business issues.

Management (OP)

This is the section that in details will explain who your management team is and their duties. You may want to add how they can be an advantage to your organization.

Employee (OP)

This section is very similar to the Management (OP), except for it will detail the number of employees, there duties and how they can be of advantage to the organization.

Customer Service (OP)

After you deliver the fantastic product or service, the next thing to do is ensure your customers are satisfied. You want to have a plan in placed that will correct any customer related issues to ensure that they are solved.

The Operational Plan is the set of processes you have put together to ensure your business can run smoothly on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. For the most part no two businesses are the same, but you can sure use other ideas and a sample Operational plan to help write yours.

Operational Plan Sample 
Find information about how an operational plan sample can help your business. Also locate the sections you can add to your operational plan. Plus a few things to remember when you are reviewing a sample.

Operational Plan Definition
Resource include details about an operational plan definition and how this plan is useful for your business.

Operational Planning Examples
Locate details about operational planning example and how they can be useful for your business.

Operational Planning  Process
Review information about the operational planning process. And also about the advantages of the process.

Operational Planning
Find details about operational planning for your business. Also learn why one is important.

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