Juice Bar Business Plan

The act of starting a juice bar business is not only a healthy idea, but it is also a profitable venture. The main issue here is, deciding on the type of juice you want to sell. It is a very good idea if you decide to begin with a variety of fruit and vegetable juice. 

However, you can choose to expand your scope by including a few whey protein shakes along with your products so as to attract workout enthusiasts and bodybuilders. 

Before venturing into this business, it is important to contact your local county administration office so as to verify if any permit will be needed for the business to be properly established and duly registered. 

You may probably need a vendor’s license to do this. Below are some important Juice bar business plans you cannot afford to avoid. 

Do Proper Research

Before embarking on this venture, it is recommended that you carry out a meaningful study of the business and understand the existing competition in your area.

Contact and communicate with independent and franchise owners of juice bars. 

Try to know how long they have been in the business and why they have chosen to go franchise or independent. Compare and contrast various competitors’ prices. 

Know Your Starting Point

As part of the Juice bar business plan, it is important to understand how you want to start up your juice bar. Decide whether you want to purchase a franchise store or start the business from the scratch. 

If you are desirous of getting a franchise store, you can contact some juice bar franchise enterprises like Juice Zone or Smoothie King. 

Connect With Wholesale Food Stores

You can boost your business by finding local wholesale food stores where you can buy your vegetables at cheaper rates and also stores that sell whey protein. 

Ensure that you select a wholesale food store that can supply you with everything you need for your business at a cheap rate. 

Find A Lucrative Store Location

As you set out your Juice bar business plan, you should bear in mind that the location of you store will determine the success of your juice bar business. 

Do not locate your store close to other juice bars that are already in the business to avoid competition. Preferably, site your juice bar close to a diet retailer, racquet club, gym or karate studio. By so doing, you will attract health-conscious customers.

Set A Product Menu

Outline all the juice products you want to sell and determine prices for all them. Do not just impose prices on any of the item; instead, ensure that it goes in line with competitive juice bars.

For protein drinks, extra prices can be added. At a normal rate, you can sell your vegetable and fruit juices for $3.

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